A reading blog where I will try to my utmost to avoid the mention of books.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

6 hours later...

It has been more than six hours since my last post, but it is also six hours later here than in America. Because I'm in France! I have been since Friday, in fact, but I shudder to think what kind of post I might have produced under the influence of jetlag. It's the best drug, they say. They don't really say that, and it would be the worst anyway.

But I'm a huge disappointment; I've been here three days and have failed to take a single picture! Bad me. But I will, maybe even tomorrow. In the meantime, I am to be congratulated on making it through this post in a reasonably comprehensible way on a French keyboard! My fingers are so confused... (and why on earth should one need to shift for a period? Oh, the French)

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