A reading blog where I will try to my utmost to avoid the mention of books.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Here are my French couples up to now:

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Excitement at the Place de la Mairie

There was a Harry Potter bus outside the Opera to-day. Why? I don't know. But it had flags on top and was excessively exciting. Andy and I both felt this way, so he took this photo. And then he shared it with me so that I could finally blog about something.

This all happened on our way back from the Boutique SNCF, where we bought train tickets to the south of France. We're leaving a week from to-day, and we're gonna spend a few days down there, at Avignon, and surrounding area. Should be super. I'm actually really excited to get away in a non-educational way. Of course, non-educational just means not with a school group. I'm naturally pumped for the Roman ruins.

Also, can I just say that eating is the meaning of my life? Because that might make me a fat girl, but it's increasingly true. I think I'll start taking photos of French food. Spread the fatness. I will literally do so as well when I get back to the US, cos I have a crepe pan! (party)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

Foto: second go

I have photos up! So I hope you're super happy with me.

go look

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Yes, I'm neglectful. But it's so discouraging not to be able to post pictures. I have plans for that, though. Plans I have planned.

In the meantime, books:

Racine : Phèdre
Camus : L'Etranger
Plato : Syposium
Saul Bellow : The Adventures of Augie March

Of these, I have finished recently only Symposium (I've read Phèdre before, but since it was assigned for my literature class here, only the excerpted scenes she gave us). I might have more to say about that, but only after I have discussed it further in another forum.

Sorry to be so dull, but like I said: tomorrow. And then Saturday to Normandy!